Register / Login
Step 1
Start by creating an account or logging in to the Forward Education Learning Platform.

Getting Started Courses
Step 2
Complete the 'Getting Started' course to learn about using the Climate Action Kit.

Lesson Library
Step 3
Access the Lesson Library to choose your first Climate Action Kit lesson!
Start Teaching with Classroom-Ready Lessons & Projects
Choose from a variety of classroom-ready Climate Action Kit lessons and projects for grades 3 to 12.

Automatic Tree Seeder
Gr. 9-10

Electric Vehicle
Gr. 11-12

Vertical Farming
Gr. 9-10

Pollinator Counter
Gr. 3-5

Automated Watering
Gr. 6-8

Wind Turbine
Gr. 3-5

Automatic Tree Seeder
Gr. 9-10

Electric Vehicle
Gr. 11-12

Vertical Farming
Gr. 9-10

Pollinator Counter
Gr. 3-5

Automated Watering
Gr. 6-8

Wind Turbine
Gr. 3-5
Looking for more support?
Check out our additional resources.

Training Webinars
Join one of our virtual webinars for a live walk-through of the Climate Action Kit.

Customer Service
Our team is always here to help! Submit a help ticket for additional support.
Educator Support Content
You will find links to articles and resources that specifically revolve around potential educator challenges and other tips to help make the transition of bringing the Climate Action Kit into classrooms as easy and stress-free as possible.