Standards Alignment
All of the lessons included with the Climate Action Kit are aligned to various national & international standards for grades 3 to 12.

National & International Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K-12 Computer Science Standards
Common Core Mathematics Standards
International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards
Looking for State or Provincial Standards?
For individual state or provincial curriculum standard alignment, please contact our team.

United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals
Every Climate Action Kit lesson is tied to specific United Nations Sustainable Development Goals allowing educators and students to make meaningful connections between classroom learning and the real world.
Viewing Curriculum Standards
To view the aligned curriculum standards for a particular Climate Action Kit lesson, open our Standards Alignment chart or navigate to the 'Standards' tab on each Lesson Overview page.

Viewing Standard Alignment for each Lesson
Once you've navigated to the Lesson overview page, you can click the "Standard" tab to view the aligned standards.